Expectation Hangover

Expectation Hangover

“Is this it?” my father said. My heart sank.  I’m at Machu Picchu. This is the moment I have been waiting for, one of the places on my bucket list. My father’s words ringing in my ears, I wanted to quickly distance myself from his energy, and immediately get out my...
Your Inner Bark

Your Inner Bark

There are two dogs barking. Each bare their teeth, and stand their ground with tenacious energy.  Eyes focused ahead, their legs rock with the vibration of their voices. Their barks fire out in varying cadences of rat-a-tat to a rhythmic drum, banging again and again....


This doesn’t feel good. My ankles wobble. My calves are seizing. My toes are literally gripping the floor for dear life. And I’m supposed to look graceful right now? I can feel the tension making it’s way up my body, from the clenched toes squeezing together. My...
Stepping Into the Snow

Stepping Into the Snow

I think the blizzard is over. I turn the keys in my lock and step outside to a wall of white. There is still a wind blowing small flakes around, and I’m bundled with tall boots, hood, scarf and gloves. This is the first step I’ve taken outside in over 24...
Creative Recipe

Creative Recipe

Purple against green, my yoga mat lays on the forest floor, over roots and dirt, on a slight uphill slant. My hands raise to a prayer high over my head and above me, a circle of sky through the tops of the trees. I dive down to the mat, fingertips placed for a moment...
My White Plate

My White Plate

“Repeat after me, I am a miracle.” I am a miracle. “Hand over your heart, I am a miracle!” I AM A MIRACLE. We stand in rows of ten, twelve deep, dressed in white, and all eyes and ears on the woman up front, our director and guru, Jacqulyn Buglisi.  She is leading us...