Sweet Creative Flow.
When everything comes easy.
Your fingers are gliding across your instrument
The words are pouring out of your pen
Your brush is moving with ease across the canvas
You click your camera just as the light illuminates
You are tapped in, and there is this energetic force running through you, and a deep fulfillment, because you are doing what you love….
Looking at your Art, you know this is a true expression from YOU.
It’s like a sweet ocean breeze, right?
So, why do we so often experience this instead….
You’re staring at a blank computer screen
You feel overwhelmed and exhausted
The blank paper or canvas is there and you are SO unmotivated
Isn’t this what you love?
Isn’t this your passion?
What is the DEAL?
It may be something so simple, and yet this one thing can make the difference between you actually creating Great Art or remaining stuck.
The secret?
Craig Ballantyne of The Perfect Day Formula defines this Flow state as, Magic Time.
It’s the actual time in your day when you are at your most Creative.
Any idea when that is?
If not, no worries! Let’s play a game.
Take today, and write down what you are doing and how you are feeling throughout your day. Craig likes to suggest using 20 minutes intervals.
When do you feel most alive?
When are you getting the most done?
When do you just want to curl up in a ball and sleep?
And the thing that’s most beautiful is, this is totally individual.
One of my clients is father to four energetic boys. Morning time is with his sons, and at night he is on fire. This is his Magic Time, and he’s using it to write his first book.
Another client finds morning are her Magic Time for writing, and then she feels deeply inspired to paint at night, so she has bookend Magic Times for her days.
What about you?
I love to write. Sitting down every week to connect with you is a joy, however, I found I was having trouble.
My blog publishes on Fridays, and I would sit down on Thursday afternoons or evenings to write, and I was feeling crunched.
I was feeling stressed as I wrote, and found 2-3 hours would go by, and I was questioning a lot of what I was writing.
Have you ever felt like this?
Then, I decided to try something new, and had a total shift.
I woke up one Wednesday morning and decided to write first thing, before taking care of anything else in my business.
The result?
A blog post that flowed with ease in less than an hour.
Not only did this free up my very full Thursdays, it boosted my confidence, and gave me the space to fully explore and ENJOY my writing.
I discovered that my morning right after I meditate is my MAGIC TIME.
This is when I am at my least resistant, and most focused. This makes the process more joyful, and the QUALITY of my work much higher.
Instead of wasting hours in indecision and frustration, I can get my writing done, and feel GOOD about it.
We are not meant to be at war with our Art.
Take a breath, and look at your Day. What are you giving your time and energy to specifically, and stop trying to FORCE or PUSH.
What got you here won’t get you there.
If you are continually finding yourself stuck, there is always a reason and it’s TIME to try something new.
It’s time to tap in, and become intimate with what actually serves you.
Find your Magic Time, and give yourself the gift of using it. Turn off your other distractions, and step into your full Creative Power.
Step into your Flow.