by Nikol | Jun 16, 2017 | Building Confidence
The Scream. I walk through the open doorway, from the hot bursting sun, into a small room. The cool air from the air conditioning is a welcome change from the mid 90’s sticky heat, and I feel my breath come more easily. Then I see it. To my right, the familiar...
by Nikol | Aug 3, 2016 | Building Confidence
You, Unstoppable. You, Unencumbered. You, getting it done. Your work out in the world. You, connected to your fans, audience, and customers. A consistent flow of revenue and job offerings that excite you, and offer opportunities for growth in your Creativity. You,...
by Nikol | Mar 10, 2016 | Clearing Blocks
There are two dogs barking. Each bare their teeth, and stand their ground with tenacious energy. Eyes focused ahead, their legs rock with the vibration of their voices. Their barks fire out in varying cadences of rat-a-tat to a rhythmic drum, banging again and again....
by Nikol | Oct 9, 2015 | Finding Peace and Ease
Crickets are gently chirping. I hear the lap of the small lake, water flowing out of the man-made spicket. A female cardinal lands on the bird feeder to my right, and is joined by a bright red male. He dips his head into the water, and leans back, his head almost...